Today I want to share an email I received recently. It had a "trick or treat" theme to coincide with the upcoming holiday, which is here today! Happy Halloween!
But before I get into our Halloween activities...the email:
It started out by saying how relevant the phrase "trick or treat" is - not just for Halloween - but for our everyday lives. A newborn sleeps through the night for the first time - trick or treat? Workloads are reassigned - trick or treat? A particular statement said on any given day - trick or treat?
I never really thought of life that way, but it's so true! We're constantly questioning things around us and wondering if things are for real or not. (At least I know I am!) My kids wake up in a happy and in a good mood - trick or treat? Someone does something nice for me - trick or treat? Something good happens or I can see some light at the end of the tunnel I've been going through - trick or treat?
When I thought about it, I started feeling bad about all the things I question in life, but then I realized something: Nothing about life on earth is certain, so no wonder we question it so much!
The email ended this way:
" 'I am the first and the last,' says the Lord God Almighty, who is, who was and is to come.
The trick is to put our faith in God and recognize our overflowing bag of treats!"
Don't you love that? We really do have an overflowing bag of treats, don't we? God is the only thing that is certain and the only person or thing we should place our trust in. God does not change. He is consistent, and He is good. We can, and should, trust in Him, always!
Okay, so now on to the Halloween festivities!
First of all, my kids were little skeletons this year - they were so cute!
Our first Halloween activity was a Fall Festival and one of the churches here in town. We ate hotdogs, played games, and watched a shadow box show, which the kids thought was really neat!
Then that same church had a Trunk or Treat later that evening...which we kind of missed... We showed up with 30 minutes left, but they had already broken things down and left. I guess the flow of kids came right at the start and died off rather quickly. Luckily, a few of the volunteers were still around filled up the kids goodie bags even if we did miss the Trunk or Treat experience!
Yesterday the kids had a Halloween party at playgroup and had a blast! ...Although by the end they were exhausted, loaded up on sugar, and majorly acting out...SO much fun.
Last night we celebrated Halloween here in town. We went to another Trunk or Treat (to which we actually arrived early!), and the kids loved it! There were also a couple of bouncy houses and some games for the kids to play, and then they got their picture taken in front of a really cute Fall background - can't wait to see it!
After that we went trick or treating at my in-laws house, a few friends' houses around town, and ended up at another friends' grandma's house where we stayed the rest of the evening. She cooks lots of yummy food and treats each year and friends are invited in to just sit and enjoy each other's company while the kids play. It was so much fun!
This morning we went to story time where the kids got to feel the inside of a pumpkin and go "trick or treating" through the library, and tonight we're ending the Halloween season with some pumpkin carving!
It's been fun (for the most part), but I'm glad it's almost over. Now I just have to figure out what to do with all the candy!
Here are a couple pictures from the Trunk or Treat:
Enjoying a sucker!
Checking out the Rt. 66 trunk.
Hope you all had/have a great Halloween this year, and remember what our real treat in life is!