Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Organized Chaos

The subtitle of my blog is "My Crazy Beautiful Life."
It may as well be "My Crazy Beautiful Chaos."
Things are always a little chaotic around here, but that's what makes us, well...us.
But that doesn't mean that everything, as a rule, has to be chaotic.  Like my home organization.
Although I love things to be organized, I must admit the way I manage my home is anything but.
At one point I had a weekly cleaning schedule which I followed closely for a few months...but then we moved, and that went out the window!
I'm trying to get back on a cleaning schedule, my husband and I have been trying to get our finances organized, and we're still just trying to get life back to semi-normalcy after moving, but I'm looking for a place to start and a way to bring it all together.  Luckily, there are other ladies out there that want the same and have offered some wonderful help! 
I was first inspired to create a weekly cleaning schedule by Darlene from Time Warp Wife.  She provides a basic cleaning schedule that you can print and use for free.  I loved the concept, used some of her suggestions, and then tweaked it a little to suit me better.
Today I came across a blog called Organizing Homelife.  The author, Ginny, is doing an October series called 31 Days of Home Management Binder Printables
 I know, right?! That is awesome! Ginny offers free printables on all aspects of home management, from a calendar to a cleaning schedule, from a bill schedule to contact lists (9 so far!). She even starts with the binder cover. This girl has thought of everything! The series is only on day 16, and I can't wait to see what's still to come! (I'm also thinking this would be a neat Christmas present to assemble for someone else!)
Now maybe I'm kind of a nerd, but I think a home management plan is a great idea.  And I love that there's so much room for personalization, because you and I both know what works for one person doesn't always work for another.  And that's okay.  If nothing else, the resources from Time Warp Wife and Organizing Homelife can serve as inspiration to creating your own home management plan, whether it's on one sheet of paper, on 50 pages in a binder, or even just some key ideas in your head.
Another thing I love about the idea of home management is that it is a way to be dilligent and good stewards with the things God has given us.  And I've been pleasantly surprised that the resources I've found so far have all had that in mind:
  • Crystal from Money Saving Mom, a blog which offers tons of home management tips (and where I get a lot of my coupons!), shares on the blog's Facebook page that the purpose of the blog is to help others "live simply, save aggressively, and give generously." 
  • Darlene from Time Warp Wife's blog and everything in it is inspired by Scripture.
  • Ginny from Organizing Homelife is a pastor's wife and shares in her 31 Days of Home Management Binder Printables that her family uses a budget based on Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover, which also uses Scripture to support his teachings.

So it's obvious I believe home management is important, not only because it makes daily life easier and more enjoyable, but because I want to take care of what God has given me.
I haven't been doing a good job lately, but now I have no excuse.
Even chaos can be organized!

Today I am linking up to Time Warp Wife.

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