Thursday, September 6, 2012

Are You In?

Lately I've been seeing quite a few online challenges through Facebook and other blogs, and they've got me thinking.  I need a challenge.  I need to do something for myself and my faith.  I need to commit to something, stick to it, and come out the other side successfully.

So I've chosen 2 challenges.  Maybe a little ambitious, but I feel up to it!  The first challenge I've accepted is called "Revive Your Marriage."  What parent of little ones couldn't use a little help in this department?!  You all can be my accountability partners.  Even if you don't respond, I'll know someone out there will be reading it and see how I'm faring - or failing.

Revive Your Marriage is a 5 week blog series hosted by 4 well-known Christian bloggers.  Each Monday in September (it started this past Monday, the 3rd) the 4 bloggers will write a post about the same topic but from different perspectives.  This week's topic is prayer, and the challege is to let your wedding ring be a reminder to pray for your husband.  Each time you see it or feel it (or in my case bang it on something and jam it into my finger), pray for your husband.  Just one sentence, or for 5 minutes - whatever you feel like.  Just pray for him.

Last night I prayed for my husband for the first time in a long time.  I don't know how I got out of that habit, but man it felt great to talk to God about him!  I'm not sure when I'll tell my husband I'm praying for him, but I don't think I'm ready to just yet.  I want to gain some confidence in my prayer life first and then I'll share my prayers with him.

The second challenge I've accepted is called "Living & Active:  A 5 Week Challenge to Get You Living & Active!"  This one starts next Monday, Septemer 10th, and will continue each Monday for 5 weeks.  The idea for this challenge came from Hebrews 4:12 which says, "For the word of God is living and active.  Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."  Intense, huh?

Throughout this series, the author will provide key principles to keep our physical and spritual lives "living & active,"  on the belief that our faith lays the groundwork for all that we do, including the upkeep of our health and bodies.  They physical aspect of this challenge is to exercise 4 days a week for at least 25 minutes.  The spiritual side is to learn self-discipline (which I'm definitely lacking in when it comes to my health and body!) as well as memorizing key scripture.  This series also encourages accountability, which again, I'll get from this blog. 

I'll be linking up to both of these challenges each week and updating my progress, so anybody who finds my blog posts through the challenges can hold me accountable too.  And by the way, you don't have to have a blog or read this blog to be a part of these challenges! 

You can visit any of these blogs to learn more about the Revive Your Marriage Series:

You can follow the link below to check out the Living & Active Challenge:

I hope you feel challenged to make a change!  You may not be interested in the challenges I'm taking on, but I hope you find another challenge that inspires you, or an online Bible study that interestes you, or even come up with a way to challenge yourself on your own!  You know where you need to be challenged in your life and in your faith.  So are you in?

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